Where Can I Get Help?

National Conferences

Every year around the country many organizations offer national conferences for teachers to help them gather the support, tools, resources, and access to experts and industry professionals who can help teachers be more effective in the classroom. If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of these conferences, I HIGHLY recommend you do. If you are a veteran teacher who is feeling a little burnt out and in need of a shot in the arm, put one of these on your list!!

Local Jump$tart Coalition

Every state in the country has access to a network of 51 state affiliates including more that 100 organizations from business, finance, academia, education, government and other sectors. Jump$tart is a national nonprofit coalition who has resources in place to help you in the classroom. Click here to find your state coalition. Each state offers training and support to financial literacy teachers and they can provide teaching tools, guest speakers, resources, experts, and funding to help you in the classroom. State Jump$tart support also includes scholarship opportunities for high school students.

LINK: One Million Apples Podcast interview with Laura Levine, president and CEO of Jump$tart Coalition.

Me and This Course

I absolutely love my job and I love my career that has lead me to this moment! Teaching Financial Literacy has been the best decision I have made in my career and I hope that you will feel the same way. I am always here to help you! You can reach me at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @dayleysupplements.

I have felt a very strong urge during the past two years to reach out to teachers and share with them what I wish someone had shared with me when I started on this journey. My goal in sharing this course with you is that I can share some tools, resources, and hard earned experiences to ease your worries, save you some time, and give you a headstart down the path of success on your adventure teaching this content.

So... are you ready?

Let's roll!

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